The diagnostic test is intended for patients who experience episodes of loss of consciousness - fainting or syncope. It is a temporary loss of consciousness and muscle tone caused by inadequate blood flow to the brain. The most common cause of syncope is vasovagal syncope or excessive activity of the parasympathetic nervous system.
When to seek medical attention:
Recurrent, unclear genesis syncope episodes;
Falls of unclear genesis;
One syncope episode resulting in serious physical injury or occurring in high-risk situations - driving a vehicle, or observed in a high-risk individual - a pilot;
Loss of consciousness during physical activity;
Prolonged headaches, confusion after syncope;
Unclear dizziness or vertigo;
Recurrent transient ischemic attacks (transient ischemic attacks - TIA) - mini-strokes;
Numbness or weakness in any part of the body;
Very rapid and deep breathing;
Diseases characterized by dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.
Test contraindications:
Critical aortic valve stenosis;
Critical mitral valve stenosis;
Left ventricular hypertrophy with hemodynamically significant outflow tract obstruction;
Significant coronary artery, especially proximal, stenosis;
Significant stenosis of brachiocephalic arteries.
Possible complications when performing the diagnostic test:
The cardiologist or neurologist clarifies the patient's medical history, previous examination results, and indications for performing the tilt table test.
Before conducting the tilt table test, the patient must fast for at least two hours.
The patient lies horizontally on the tilt table for 5 minutes.
If an active test with nitroglycerin is used, the patient lies horizontally on the tilt table for 20 minutes, after which 0.4 mg of nitroglycerin aerosol is administered sublingually, and the patient remains in the same position for another 20 minutes.
The tilt table is then raised to a 70-degree angle, and the patient remains in this position for 45 minutes.
Diagnostic tests are performed by Dr. Veronika Anufrijeva and Dr. Santa Viltere.
Test price - 120.00 EUR
To apply for a health check-up or consultation, please call +371 29124727 or email info@piramida.lv
Pieteikties apmeklējumam
Kalnciema iela 27, Rīga,
LV-1046, Latvija
Tālr.: 29124727, 25713215, 27090899
e-pasts: info@piramida.lv
Darba laiks:
no pirmdienas līdz piektdienai, 8.00 - 20.00
sestdienās - pēc iepriekšēja pieraksta
svētdienās - slēgts

Klīnika Piramīda pieejama cilvēkiem ar kustību traucējumiem.
Klīnikas klientiem pieejam bezmaksas autostāvvieta.
Ltd. “Klīnika Piramīda 3″
Kalnciema street 27, Rīga, LV-1046, Latvia
Phone: 29124727; 25713215
Email: info@piramida.lv
Working hours:
Monday till Friday 8.00 - 20.00
Saturday - by appointment
Sunday - closed

Klīnika Piramīda is accessible for people with movement disabilities.
Parking accessible for clients.